
What you need to know for moving in and moving out

From transferring utilities to packing efficiently, there’s much to think about when moving to a new home. Our comprehensive checklist is here to make your move smooth – you’ll stay organised and stress-free, leaving you to concentrate on the exciting part – your new abode! You’ve mentally moved into your new home, arranged your furnitureRead more


Looking back at home renovation trends from 2024 and forward to 2025

It’s time to reflect on the year’s top home renovation trends and gaze into our crystal ball for the year ahead. And whether you’re planning on selling or staying in 2025, there’s no better time to start planning renovations that hero functionality, aesthetics, sustainability, and wellbeing. It’s time to reflect on what made 2024 significantRead more


9 Festive food and drink favourites to enjoy in the sun

While snowy scenes and cosy fires define the holiday for many, down under, we’re enjoying Christmas with a side of sunshine, BBQs, and plenty of outdoor fun. Isn’t it time we swapped out the roast turkey and traditional Christmas pud with a menu more fitting? We’ve rounded up ten favourite festive foods and drinks toRead more


Big Smoke or Big on Lifestyle? Benefits of Rural Living

Is moving rurally an itch you’d like to scratch? From better work-life balance and a lower cost of living to improved overall wellbeing and much more, here, we’ve rounded up the biggest benefits you can expect from a shift to rural New Zealand. Metropolitan living comes hand in hand with hustle and bustle – vibrantRead more


Find your fit – how to choose the best local real estate agent

Buying or selling a home might seem simple: you want the best possible results, maximum transparency, and minimal stress. But can you have it all? We guide you through four crucial steps for finding the right local real estate agent. Buying or selling a home is a big deal; it’s often one of the mostRead more


Guide to making your own raised garden bed

From cost savings to mental and physical health benefits, gardening can bring about an abundance of benefits not only to your backyard and back pocket. Here, we break down how to go from ground to greatness with your very own raised garden bed Store-bought produce comes with increasingly eye-watering price tags, gardening is good forRead more


Our Guide to creating the perfect at-home Gym set-up

Is just getting to the gym the hardest part of your workout? The solution could lie within the four walls of your own home. We look at the benefits of creating a home gym set-up, how to create one, and the essential pieces of equipment to get started We all know we should be hittingRead more


Beekeeping for Beginners

Have you ever dreamed of bringing the buzz to your backyard with your very own thriving hive? Whether you’re looking to support your local honeybee populations, are fascinated by these pint-sized pollinators or simply love the thought of producing your own honey, there’s a lot to learn about keeping your own bees. Wing your wayRead more


Tips To Celebrate Your Dad This Father’s Day!

Father’s Day socks and jocks are fine but meaningful, memory-making gifts are miles better. Stuck for ideas? Here’s the inspo you need to unearth the perfect gift for your dad this Father’s Day Although Dads aren’t typically interested in the fluff of Father’s Day, it still serves as a great reminder to show them howRead more


Tips to secure your children’s financial future through property!

Getting on the property ladder is hard. In fact, for many of our younger generations, it seems like a pipe dream. Here, we look at how investment decisions you, as a parent, make now will assist them in years to come and what you can do to support your children in building a solid financialRead more


Tips to Live More Sustainably This Winter – Save Energy and Your Money!

Are you feeling the chill, the pinch, and the weight of environmental issues on your shoulders? We have nine money-saving and energy-saving tips to help you keep warm this winter. You might be a pro at remembering your reusable coffee cup, diligent at separating your waste, and may even drive an electric vehicle, which makesRead more


10 cosy and chic styling updates for your home!

It’s time to stow those linen throws, wave goodbye to cool neutral interiors and hunker down for some Hygge winter vibes. Read on for 10 cosy and chic styling updates to turn up the heat in your home this winter. Whether you’re reaching for the cocooning comfort of your Oodie or zipping up your epicRead more