
DIY Tips for Home Staging

From good old-fashioned decluttering to new décor accentuating your home’s best features, staging your house for sale can help create an irresistible first impression for buyers. And it doesn’t have to be costly. Here are 8 DIY home staging tips. What started as simple advice from real estate agents to spring clean and keep yourRead more


10 tips for mastering your finances in 2024

From ditching debt to goal setting, prioritising paperwork, and everything in between, we’ve got ten practical tips to help you take control of your financial destiny in 2024.   The start of a new year always signifies an opportunity to reassess, refresh and make the coming year your best yet. But sometimes, lost between newRead more


9 styling tips for a chic festive season

It’s once again the most wonderful time of the year, full of colour, happiness, love, laughter, gifts, and special moments with loved ones. For some, it’s a stressful time of year with all the buying of gifts. For others, buying gifts early and getting into the Christmas spirit is something they look forward to –Read more


The top bathroom updates you need! ​

Bathrooms are functional spaces. It’s a room where, on average, we’ll spend over 400 days of our lives and it’s often a room that ranks as one of the most important when selling a home. For such a well-used and impression-creating space, it’s often neglected and overlooked by homeowners when we’re looking for ways toRead more

Featured Article

Save money and the environment with a more efficient home!

Inflation is up, and with it, so is the cost of living – so most households are making every dollar stretch a little further. And while the discounts might be obvious when you swap one brand of cheese for another, there are even bigger savings to be made, right at home. With a house that’sRead more


Get your home market ready with these spring cleaning tips

Spring sunshine is finally here and with it comes the sometimes dreaded and sometimes eagerly anticipated annual spring clean! It’s a time to shake off the figurative and literal cobwebs, declutter, and give your home a once-over from top to bottom. And while spring and cleaning may have become synonymous in your household, its originsRead more

Featured Article

Give your home a winter facelift

Winter is well and truly upon us ­– we’re hibernating inside with a warm cuppa in hand, and the fire roaring (or heating on high). If you missed the boat renovating during lockdowns, you might feel like your home needs a lift. And there’s no better time than the present – or the depths ofRead more


Hitting the ski slopes this winter – our top picks and tips

There’s nothing like a day spent carving fresh tracks in fluffy white snow, followed by cosying around a roaring fire with hot chocolate or mulled wine in hand as you debrief about your day on the slopes. And with many snow-goers deprived of their chance to head to their favourite piste over the last fewRead more