Living made easy!

One step is all it takes to be transported into a home filled with comfort at 16a Regan Street, Stratford.

This 3-bedroom 1920’s home is nothing but gorgeous. With its open plan kitchen and dining tracing into the lounge, you’ll never stray too far from one another.

With the convenience of your choice of a fire place or heat pumps, yes plural – you’ll never be too cold or too hot. Did I mention it has a HRV system?

A full 170m² floor area is sure to impress, with the master bedroom having its own nook also, no space is left unattended.

Choose where you want to do your laundry with the choice of an inside room OR space in the garage. The garage area is also equipped with hot water. How good is that?

This beautiful low maintenance section has freed your weekends up to enjoy things you love. This way, you can be doing the things you love IN a house you love.

Call Nat for a Chat to book your viewing for comfort living today!
027 591 1285

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