Three 2 bedroom units starting from $480,000
Unit 1 $455,000 rent is $495/wk – SOLD
Unit 2 $495,000 rent is $425/wk
Unit 3 $480,000 rent is $380/wk
Unit 4 $480,000 rent is $380/wk
The rents on units 2,3 and 4 are all well under market rates – so there is potential to lift the cap rate significantly once you own them.
All 3 are tenanted, some for many years. With a combined Rateable value of $1,990,000 – don’t take too much time doing your due diligence; if an individual owner gets a great offer, your opportunity might be lost forever.
Viewing is strictly by appointment only and may be ‘grouped’ to avoid excess intrusion on the tenants, so contact Alan or Mike today to register a time to view.