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This property on inspection will definitely impress. Comprising 103.60 hectares of freehold and 143.6 hectares of WCL (West Coast Lease) the effective grazeable land is made up of approximately 80 hectares of superb flat land with quality pasture with a further 20 hectares of easier grazing and another 20 hectares of sidling grazing. The balance of the property is mainly native bush in the gullies with odd stands of pine trees.

Well subdivided into over 60 paddocks with some post and batten fencing but mainly multi wire electric subdivision of very good quality. An excellent spring sourced water supply is pressurised to troughs via 50mm and 32mm main water lines. Most paddocks have access to 3 troughs along fence lines. A good set of cattle yards are sited very centrally in the property with a smaller set and loadout close to the property frontage. There is also a smaller set of sheep yards. An implement shed with smoko room at one end plus a supplement shed complete the buildings.

The property is currently carrying 237 dairy heifers, 90 R2 beef steers, 33 MA cows plus 156 ewes and lambs. Last season was similar with 230 dairy heifers, 130 R2 beef steers and 150 ewes. Annually between 150 and 200 wrap silage bales (15’s) are made on farm.
For those in the South Taranaki area who have a good size dairy operation and require support land or drystock farmers looking for an excellent finishing block we strongly advise to come and check this amazing property out as it will not disappoint.
Open Days Thursday 14th November and Friday 22nd November 12noon.
Tender close Wednesday 11th December 2024 1pm (unless sold prior), 269 Broadway Stratford.

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