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Offers Over $1,450,000 + GST (if any)

This 65.3 hectare property situated adjacent to Lake Rotorangi is located an easy 25minutes drive from the State Highway at Eltham out through the picturesque Managamingi Valley.
Comprising a mix of easy rolling and river flats the balance of the property is steeper mainly north facing hill. Subdivided into 17 main paddocks with very high quality mainly 8 wire fences with hot wire access. This property winters around 370 ewes plus 40 head of rising 2 and 3 year old heifers and steers.
All the flats and easy contour have been cropped with chicory and recently re-grassed and along with regular fertiliser applications this place really grows grass. Paddocks have reticulated water to troughs along with odd dams on the property.
This outstanding property is complimented with a very good range of buildings and facilities including the modern four bedroom summit stone home with double glazing, main bedroom with ensuite, log fire in living areas and heat transfer. Out side there is an excellent 3 bay lockup shed with power. There is a generous size set of cattle yards and loadout plus 2 stand woolshed and sheep facilities.
This very well set up property has it all in the way of facilities and improvements and the new owner will only need to maintain and not worry about any capital costs. This property offers a great opportunity for a prospective buyer to utilise this for various farming uses such as finishing stock, pedigree cattle, grazing dairy heifers or others uses.
Our advice is to make contact for an early inspection as a property of this quality is not likely to sit on the market long.

Property Location