This property is currently not available.

If milking up to 180 cows plus grazing all your dairy replacements as well as rearing and raising extra beef cattle has appeal to you, then this farm coming to the market may well be the opportunity you have been waiting for.
Situated in the very safe and reliable farming districts of Toko/ Huinga, this property has been very faithfully farmed by our vendors for the past 30 years with prior generations to that. All buildings and infrastructure are in excellent order eliminating any major incoming costs for a new owner.
The spacious 4 bedroom brick home is presented in superb condition and has an American style barn adjacent to it. The 22 aside herringbone cowshed was completely rebuilt in 2012. A new effluent system with storage bladder and hydrant & spreader system is all up to speed and compliant. There is an extensive range of supporting sheds, yards and facilities to simplify management of this operation.
Last winter 172 cows plus around 100 1 & 2 year replacements and beef cattle were carried through. Management has been an all grass system with virtually no inputs other than some molasses in spring.
What a great opportunity we have here for younger couple to purchase and takeover such a well setup farm. We recommend to take the time to come and inspect.

Open Days: Thursday 20th and Friday 28th October 11am, Bring A Bike
Tender Close Thursday 10th November 2022 at 1pm, 201 Broadway Stratford

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