Situated at approx 1km up the Mangaonga Road, Ahititi is this 138 hectare farm.
With a good proportion of valley flats the farm winters 220 mixed age beef cattle and has harvested 260 bales of wrap silage. Cattle are bought in as weaners and are finished through to two year olds.
The balance of the farm is a mix of mature bush and manuka on the hill contour.
A spring fed water system gravitates from a storage tank to troughs in paddocks mainly along the road frontage.
There are is an old disused cowshed, two hay / implement sheds and yards with loadout.
There is good potential here for bees as well with plenty of hives currently on the property.
Our vendors are motivated and keen to effect a sale and will consider any reasonable offer.
The two titles of 88 ha and 50.8 ha can be purchased separately or in their entirety.

Property Location